Top 10k strings from Black Tower, The (1984)(Dollarsoft).z80 in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [Z80] /

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   4 ;"Josh say's ~No.~":
   3 r$="OPEN SAFE"
   3 R$="NORTH"
   2 r,n,e,s,w,o$:
   2 R$="SOUTH"
   2 R$="OPEN BOX"
   2 R$="DRINK BEER"
   2 @ Visible Exits Are: North  East  West"
   2 ;"You unlock the door...":
   2 ;"You do not have the lamp...":
   2 ;"You do not have the beer...":
   2 ;"Josh goes west...":
   2 ;"Josh goes south...":
   2 ;"Josh goes north...":
   2 ;"Josh goes east...":
   2 ;"A door blocks your way...":
   2 ,"You are in a large forest.
   1 tttt=64900
   1 r,n,e,s,w,o$
   1 r$="UNLOCK DOOR"
   1 r$="TAKE BOX"
   1 r$="TAKE ALL"
   1 r$="RUB LAMP"
   1 r$="PICK BOX"
   1 r$="PICK ALL"
   1 r$="LPRINT"
   1 r$="LEAVE ALL"
   1 r$="GET BOX"
   1 r$="GET ALL"
   1 r$="ENTER BOAT"
   1 r$="DROP ALL"
   1 i,z,x,c,v,q$
   1 a green key
   1 [ Visible Exits Are: North  East  South  West" 
   1 You sit...R
   1 You are outside a public house. To the   south is a small hut.
   1 You are in a small, wooden hut.
   1 You are in a dark, wet cave.    
   1 W$="KILL JOS"
   1 T Visible Exits Are: East  South  West"
   1 SC=SC+U(Q):
   1 SC=SC+U(44
   1 SC=SC+U(43
   1 SC=SC+U(42
   1 SC=SC+U(41
   1 S Visible Exits Are: North  South West"
   1 R$="SCREW"
   1 R$="SCREW JOSH"
   1 R$="SCORE"
   1 R$="SAY TO JOSH ""WEST"""
   1 R$="SAY TO JOSH ""W"""
   1 R$="SAY TO JOSH ""SOUTH"""
   1 R$="SAY TO JOSH ""S"""
   1 R$="SAY TO JOSH ""NORTH"""
   1 R$="SAY TO JOSH ""N"""
   1 R$="SAY TO JOSH ""EAST"""
   1 R$="SAY TO JOSH ""E"""
   1 R$="RUB LAMP"
   1 R$="RIDE JOSH"
   1 R$="FUCK OFF"
   1 R$="FUCK JOSH"
   1 R$="BUM JOSH"
   1 R$="BOLLOCKS"
   1 R$="BASTARD"
   1 R$="BALLS"
   1 Q Visible Exit is: West"
   1 P Visible Exits Are: North"
   1 P Visible Exits Are: North  West"
   1 O Visible Exits Are: North  South West"
   1 M Visible Exits Are: North  East  South  West"
   1 M Visible Exit is: North"
   1 M Visible Exit is: East"
   1 L Visible Exits Are: North  East  West"
   1 L Visible Exits Are: East  South"
   1 K Visible Exits Are: North  East
   1 J Visible Exit is: West"
   1 J Visible Exit is: South"
   1 J Visible Exit is: North"
   1 I Visible Exit is: West"
   1 G Visible Exits Are: North  South West"
   1 F$="You are in a dark, wet cave.    "
   1 F Visible Exits Are: East  South  West"
   1 F Visible Exit is: East"
   1 D Visible Exits Are: South  West"
   1 D Visible Exits Are: North  East"
   1 D Visible Exits Are: North  East  South"
   1 D Visible Exits Are: East  West"
   1 D Visible Exits Are: East  South"
   1 D Visible Exits Are: East  South  West"
   1 A Visible Exits Are: East  South  West"
   1 A Visible Exit is: North"
   1 A Visible Exit is: North
   1 @ Visible Exits Are: North  West"
   1 @ Visible Exits Are: North  South West "
   1 @ Visible Exits Are: North  East"
   1 @ Visible Exits Are: East  South  West"
   1 = Visible Exits Are: East  South  West
   1 ;sc;"%";" of this adventure":
   1 ;"the servant leaves...":
   1 ;"the canary fall of it's perch":
   1 ;"suspiciously and runs away...":
   1 ;"one blow from Josh, you fall and":
   1 ;"off you...":
   1 ;"nothing"
   1 ;"just anybody...":
   1 ;"is too strong...":
   1 ;"hurts.~":
   1 ;"forest and past a castle...":
   1 ;"flee...":
   1 ;"die...":
   1 ;"dead Josh":
   1 ;"blow he dies...":
   1 ;"attack the servant, he leaves...":
   1 ;"an open safe":
   1 ;"an open door":
   1 ;"all 100% of this adventure":
   1 ;"a servant":
   1 ;"a servant appears...":
   1 ;"a painting":
   1 ;"a locked door":
   1 ;"a country that sounds like it":
   1 ;"a closed safe":
   1 ;"a boat":
   1 ;"You wait...":
   1 ;"You take the scroll...":
   1 ;"You take the red key...":
   1 ;"You take the money...":
   1 ;"You take the lamp...":
   1 ;"You take the green key...":
   1 ;"You take the canary...":
   1 ;"You take the blue key...":
   1 ;"You take the beer...":
   1 ;"You see:":
   1 ;"You see a red key...":
   1 ;"You rub the lamp...":
   1 ;"You open the safe...":
   1 ;"You open the box...":
   1 ;"You move the picture...":
   1 ;"You move the painting...":
   1 ;"You have:":
   1 ;"You have completed":
   1 ;"You go west...":
   1 ;"You go south...":
   1 ;"You go north...":
   1 ;"You go east...":
   1 ;"You drop the scroll...":
   1 ;"You drop the red key...":
   1 ;"You drop the money...":
   1 ;"You drop the lamp...":
   1 ;"You drop the green key...":
   1 ;"You drop the blue key...":
   1 ;"You drop the beer...":
   1 ;"You drink the beer...":
   1 ;"You do not have the scroll...":
   1 ;"You do not have the red key...":
   1 ;"You do not have the money...":
   1 ;"You do not have the green key...":
   1 ;"You do not have the blue key...":
   1 ;"You completed ";
   1 ;"You climb the stairs...":
   1 ;"You climb out...":
   1 ;"You climb into the boat and see ":
   1 ;"You cannot go west...":
   1 ;"You cannot go south...":
   1 ;"You cannot go north...":
   1 ;"You cannot go east...":
   1 ;"You can't yet...":
   1 ;"You attack Josh but miss. With":
   1 ;"You attack Josh but his defence":
   1 ;"You attack Josh and with one":
   1 ;"You are dead...":
   1 ;"You already have the red key..":
   1 ;"You already have the green key..":
   1 ;"You already have the canary...":
   1 ;"You already have the blue key..":
   1 ;"You already carry the scroll...":
   1 ;"You already carry the money...":
   1 ;"You already carry the lamp...":
   1 ;"You already carry the beer...":
   1 ;"Well done you have completed":
   1 ;"WOW!!! a safe...":
   1 ;"WOW!!! You see a safe...":
   1 ;"WOW!!! You found the *SCROLL*":
   1 ;"The servant tells you to quickly":
   1 ;"The servant says ~Four across,":
   1 ;"The safe is already open...":
   1 ;"The lamp changes into a key...":
   1 ;"The box shuts...":
   1 ;"The boat takes you through a":
   1 ;"The boat comes to a stop..."
   1 ;"TUT TUT, What would mummy say?":
   1 ;"Press:";
   1 ;"Nothing":
   1 ;"LOADING...":
   1 ;"Josh walks over to you and takes":
   1 ;"Josh waits...":
   1 ;"Josh sing...":
   1 ;"Josh looks at you very":
   1 ;"Josh is not here":
   1 ;"Josh is already dead...":
   1 ;"Josh give you":
   1 ;"Josh appears...":
   1 ;"It is nailed down to the boat...":
   1 ;"I see no stairs...":
   1 ;"I do not understand...":
   1 ;"I do not see a safe here...":
   1 ;"I do not see a painting here...":
   1 ;"I cannot see the scroll...":
   1 ;"I cannot see the red key...":
   1 ;"I cannot see the money...":
   1 ;"I cannot see the lamp...":
   1 ;"I cannot see the green key...":
   1 ;"I cannot see the canary...":
   1 ;"I cannot see the blue key...":
   1 ;"I cannot see the beer...":
   1 ;"I can't do that... yet":
   1 ;"HELP I need somebody, HELP not":
   1 ;"Go right ahead, don't mind me...":
   1 ;"Get tape ready...";
   1 ;"Curiosity killed the cat...":
   1 ;"Before you have change to":
   1 ;"ARE YOU SURE?"
   1 ;"A blue box...":
   1 ;"2) Return to game"
   1 ;"1) Save";
   1 ; Visible Exits Are: East  South  West"
   1 / Visible Exits Are: North  South
   1 ,"You fall down a deep pit."
   1 ,"You are outside a public house. To the south is a small hut.
   1 ,"You are on a landing. To the    east is a flight of stairs. To  the south is a room.
   1 ,"You are next to a lake.
   1 ,"You are in the scribes room.
   1 ,"You are in the porch. To the    north is a door. To the south   is the courtyard.
   1 ,"You are in the kitchen. To the  south is the ballroom.
   1 ,"You are in the hall. To the
   1 ,"You are in the gallery. To the  west is a room.
   1 ,"You are in the gallery. To the  north is the ballroom.
   1 ,"You are in the chapel. To the   west is a small crack of light.
   1 ,"You are in the cellar. To the   north is a passage. To the
   1 ,"You are in the castle dungeon.  To the east is the cellar.
   1 ,"You are in the castle courtyard.To the north is a door. To the  east is a small wood.
   1 ,"You are in the black tower.
   1 ,"You are in the bell foundry.
   1 ,"You are in the ballroom. To the north is the kitchen. To the    south is the gallery. To the    west is the hall.
   1 ,"You are in the armoury. To the  north is a door.
   1 ,"You are in a wood. To the west  is a small building.
   1 ,"You are in a wood. To the south is a drop. The wood continues   to the west.
   1 ,"You are in a tomb. To the north is a large room.
   1 ,"You are in a small, wooden hut.
   1 ,"You are in a small wood. You seea small mud path leading to the east.
   1 ,"You are in a slippery passage   you slip and smash your skull."
   1 ,"You are in a huge forest. To thesouth is a thin mud path.
   1 ,"You are in a flooded passage.   The water rises and you begin   to panic. You drown."
   1 ,"You are in a dark, wet cave.
   1 ,"You are in a dark passage. The  passage continues north and
   1 ,"You are in a bedroom. To the    north is a landing.
   1 ,"You are beside a lake.
   1 ,"You are at the bar.
   1 )="a lamp"
   1 )="a dead canary":
   1 )="a canary in a cage"
   1 (josh+8999
   1 "SLEEP","You sleep...","JUMP","You jump...","SIT","You sit..."
   1  west. To the east is a dark
   1  south is the hall. To the west  is a passage.
   1  north is an open door. To the   east is a large room. To the    south is a door. To the west is a flight of stairs.
   1  an open door
   1  a red key
   1  a pint of beer    some money
   1  a canary in a cagea locked door
   1  a blue key
   1  You see a path leading east.
   1  To the south you see a room.